Set better golf goals with TANGENT in 2025

Whatever you want to accomplish in 2025, TANGENT has ways to track your goals and help you get there on your path to better golf.

Whether you want to play better, play faster, or just play more… We all have goals for our golf game going into 2025. If you’re like Justin Thomas, you may publicly post and track your goals. Every year JT posts the goals he had and how he did. Here is his list for 2024.

I’m sure he is disappointed that there isn’t more green on the list, but he’s already ahead of the vast majority of us just by quantifying and capturing his definition of success.

So how can you do the same?

A good list of goals captures more than just results oriented achievements. We all want to break 90, 80, 70, etc… but golf is hard. A good goals list will balance result oriented items with process and stats related items. The building blocks that will help you achieve those results.

For example, if your goal is to break 80… You should set practice goals, like going to the range twice a month. It’s easier to track and if you achieve your practice goal, you’re more likely to achieve your results goal. Bonus tip, you can track the drills you do while practicing with the TANGENT app to check accountability.

Additionally, if your goal is to break 80 (or 90 or 100…), a good way to break that down is similar to what JT has done above by using more detailed stats like Strokes Gained. Using an app like TANGENT Golf, you can track intermediate stats like Strokes Gained Driving that are easier to improve and focus on than score alone. And if you improve Strokes Gained driving… your scores will typically follow.

Accountability is good. It allows us to chase something tangible and recognize if we’re making progress towards those goals. That being said… below are my lofty goals for 2025. Several of which I outlined on this YouTube Video.

My Golf Goals for 2025

Result Oriented

  • Win 5 tournaments on US Am Tour

  • Win 1 major on US Am Tour

  • Finish top 5 at US Am Tour National Championship

  • Get to +3 GHIN (Handicap)

  • Get to 170+ Ball Speed

  • Get to 115+ Club Speed on the course

  • Scoring Average < 72 from tips ( 74.9 in 2024 from one ups)

Process Oriented

  • Play >25 tournament rounds (2 rounds in 2024)

  • Play in US Open Qualifier

  • Play in Texas Mid Am Qualifier

  • Play in US Mid Am Qualifier

  • Play in US Am Qualifier

  • Do TheStack workout >2 / week

  • Do FitForGolf workouts >2 / week

  • Play 1 sim round per week

  • Play the tips

  • Practice 2x per week at golf course

  • Average >50 balls (or putts) per day

  • Play >50 rounds (34 rounds in 2024)

Stats Oriented

  • Positive Strokes Gained Approach vs Elite Am (current -2.7)

  • Positive Strokes Gained Driving vs Elite Am (current -0.6)

  • Positive Strokes Gained Putting vs Elite Am (current -0.7)

  • +2 Strokes Gained Short Game vs Elite Am(current +0.8)

  • GIR per round > 12

You can do the math… but if I improve in the strokes gained categories as above, I’ll be more than 4 strokes better than I am today. I’ve got my work cut out for me. Copy these or do your own version of goals and store in your notes app on your phone to see how you did at the end of 2025.

How can you measure your goals?

TANGENT can measure all the above and more. If you haven’t seen how I use the Round Report, you can check out this video, but first and foremost, make sure you download the TANGENT Golf app and get started tracking your scores and rounds.

I’ll have to do another video where I show how to use the same report, but to look at an entire year in review. The same data you see in the Round Report is available in the player summary for as many rounds as you want to filter to. It makes it real easy to look at 20 rounds or an entire year of golf.

Tools I’ll Use For Goals

TANGENT is the starting point, but I’ll need help if I’m going to reach all my goals, so these are a few tools I’ll use to make sure I get across the finish line. Full disclosure… These are products I love so much that I reached out to become an affiliate for them. Clicking the links or using the promo codes help TANGENT and will help your golf game. I actively use these products and bought them all with my own money.


I use TheStack for my speed gain needs. It’s great. Not cheap, but the app and the technology actually works and keeps me motivated to keep stacking… which is the biggest challenge. I’m motivated to keep my grit score high and the way the intelligence mixes the weights means you are constantly setting speed records which helps with motivation. It’s great. I’ve already put on 10mph in peak speed towards the end of this year and I’m excited to see how fast I can get in 2025. Use this link if you want to gain speed in 2025. You’ll get 10% off with promo code TANGENT.

Tour Aim

I used Tour Aim to make a pretty big swing change towards the end of 2023. I used it to neutralize my swing path and reduce the curve I put on the ball which greatly helped my scoring in 2024. I still struggle with this occasionally when I don’t do the practice, so I’ll be revisiting Tour Aim in 2025. I also need to work more on fundamentals like alignment which can drift left on me as I noticed in this video.

iRange Sports Stick

I have not traditionally done a lot of video work. I’m not into the aesthetics of a golf swing and tend to focus more on launch monitor data and impact feedback as signs that the swing is doing what it needs to do. That being said, there is a point where you can plateau and I’d like to be more knowledgeable about my positions, as well as how my swing drifts between hitting it well and poorly. I know I struggle with a still head and I likely need to spend more time logging swings on camera to be able to refer back to and the iRange Sports Stick is perfect for capturing video on the range or at home. A quick monopod that works with the magnet in my iPhone makes it simple to bring and easy to use. Highly recommend this product. I also use the iRange for drills and using the sim. Its the perfect tool to hold my phone while I track drill results or my sim golf from home. Use promo code TANGENT for 10% off.


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