Winter is coming...

Golf in the winter doesn't have to be miserable if you know how to manage it...

People often get jealous of the fact that I live in Texas and for the most part we get to golf year round… But what they don’t realize is that just because the courses are open, doesn’t mean its the most pleasant experience. Golf in the winter is different. It’s often cold, wet, windy, and the course is very different. In Dallas, the Bermuda grass goes dormant.. so it’s almost an entirely different game.

Still, I’m not one to turn down a round of golf. Even if it’s less than ideal… so here are some tips that help me when the weather turns south…

1) Course Management Always important, but even more so in the cold. Make sure to leave yourself in manageable spots and play safer than normal. No one wants a tight spinny shot out of a bunker when they can't feel their hands. You want to favor the side of the green with more accessible approaches. I also like to play the ball a little lower in the winter. Less flop shots, more bump and runs. Your hands will not have the same amount of feel as they do when it’s warm outside.2) Swing Try a shorter back swing. Helps with layers and can help you stay in control when you're stiff. Time to be like Jon Rahm or Tony Finau... I’ve always struggled in the winter because I have a long swing in general. Adding a few layers means I struggle to get to my backswing position. By working on a shorter swing… it makes it easier to manage the layers and keep the ball in play… which is the most important goal.3) Club Selection 

With cold air, layers, and a stiffer body for most of us... You are going to need to take more club. Don't let your ego get in the way of good golf. During the winter, I tend to take an extra club and allow myself to swing a little easier. The ball just isn’t going to go as far or compress as much when it’s cold. Allow for that by taking an extra stick.4) Walk! 

This one is less obvious. Walking will help keep your temp up. Sitting in a cart just adds wind and makes the weather worse. There is nothing worse than huddling in a golf cart trying to get warm after a few hundred yards of driving through chilling winds. Walking gets you moving, lessens the impact of wind, and in general is just less miserable. Join the push cart mafia and you don’t have to carry your bag. 5) Embrace the suck

It's not always great out there. The golf can be tough. The conditions can make it difficult. But hey! You are playing golf while a good part of the world is covered in snow. Practice gratitude and you'll avoid the snowman. Golf is always a mental game and if you let yourself start dog-cussing the weather… you’ve already lost. Think of it as a new challenge. One that you can tackle with a positive attitude and realistic expectations.

6) Adjustments

The cold weather makes golf balls feel firmer than normal. Consider using a softer ball than you normally would and make sure to keep your balls warm! Don’t leave them in the car or garage overnight. Bring them inside so they stay as warm as possible.

The course will likely play different as well. In Texas, this is the rainy season. We often get softer, muddy conditions with very little grass. This impacts turf interaction and can make short shots a lot more difficult. Make sure to hit a few chips before the round and I personally like to use less loft when I can and keep the ball low.

The big thing is… what works in the summer, may not in the winter. It can be a different game.

7) Equipment… and I’m not talking clubs

Wear lots of light layers. That way you can shed them if you get warm (especially if you’re walking) and it’s easier to swing than in that puffy jacket. Vests are really good too… They keep your core warm while allowing your arms to swing pretty freely.

Beanies… They are clutch. You lose a lot of heat out of your head. Even if its not super cold, sometimes a beanie can make a big difference… particularly in the chilly winds of Texas.

Gloves… It’s a good time to invest in winter gloves. You lose a lot of feel in your hands if they get too cold. Another option is to buy big mittens or hand warmers to put on in between shots. But cold hands are problematic.

Socks… You need warm feet. Cold, wet feet is a ticket to miserable town.

8) Nutrition

Eating food will keep your energy up so your body can keep fighting the cold. Nuts, granola, and fruit are great options.

Also make sure to hydrate. The dry air in the winter can suck moisture out of you and make you dehydrated even if you don’t feel thirsty.

9) Consider sim golf

Hey… There are other options when its miserable. Find a local sim joint or buy a cheap launch monitor and a net to swing in your garage. These days indoor golf is becoming cheaper by the day.Bonus Tip: Your AI Caddie in Tangent may not know it's winter yet, or you might not want to mix up your winter distances with your summer ones. You can make a redundant set of clubs and change the old ones to inactive. Just change the model for the new clubs to 'Winter' or something similar... That way the caddie will learn your winter distances quickly without messing up your summer data.

I play year round. You never know what the weather is going to do. This is how I prepare. Good luck. Stay warm.


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